

Icon Institutional Liaisons

Each participating institution names an Institution Liaison to serve as its primary contact for the Passport State Facilitator on matters related to the institution’s participation in the Interstate Passport® Network

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Understands the roles and responsibilities of the institution as a participant in the Interstate Passport Network and ensures that it meets these obligations;
  • Communicates regularly with faculty and staff responsible for internal operations in support of the Interstate Passport;
  • Establishes policies and procedures for participation in the Interstate Passport as outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement;
  • Coordinates internal Passport activities involving multiple departments, as appropriate (e.g., ensuring that registrar, campus catalog staff, and others are aware of requests by faculty to add a course to the institution’s Passport Block);
  • Recommends to the Passport State Facilitator the names of individuals to represent the state on various Interstate Passport committees; and
  • Ensures that the institution’s profile on the Interstate Passport website provides up to-date information on its Passport Block, accurate contact information for relevant staff members, and other information.

Download Network State and Institution Team Roles

Download the Member Profile Tips Guide

For more information and support regarding Institution Liaisons, please contact:

Interstate Passport
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
3035 Center Green Drive, Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80301-2204

Telephone 303.541.0307

Email: interstatepassport@wiche.testing.brossgroup.com