Interstate Passport welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations working in the transfer arena where there is common interest and an opportunity to advance our mission for the benefit of students. Current collaborations include:
American Council on Education

For over 60 years, using an industry standard process, the faculty panels of the American Council on Education (ACE) have evaluated learning that happens outside of the formal college setting and issued recommendations for academic credit. Going forward, ACE will use the Passport Learning Outcomes (PLOs) as a framework for evaluating general education, college-level knowledge and skills embedded in some of these extra-institutional learning opportunities. The specific PLOs achieved by a learner will appear on a new digital transcript on Credly’s Acclaim platform, which institutions can use to translate students’ documented knowledge and skills into courses for general education credit. The PLOs provide colleges and universities with more depth as to what ACE transcript holders know and are able to do as they consider credit recommendations. Collaboration announced June 29, 2020.
National Student Clearinghouse

Since the launch of the Interstate Passport Network (IPN) in 2016, the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) has provided student tracking services to IPN member institutions. Designed in collaboration with IPN members’ registrars and institutional researchers, NSC’s services include the collection of student data on Passports awarded by member institutions; verification of Passports previously awarded to incoming transfer students by their former institutions to ensure that the students’ general education attainment is recognized at the new institution; and academic progress tracking reports for member sending institutions on their former Passport students based on de-identified student data collected from member receiving institutions for at least two terms post-transfer. Member institutions can use these reports to help inform continuous improvement efforts. NSC also provides an aggregate report to the Passport Review Board to use in evaluating the overall effectiveness of the Interstate Passport program. Collaboration announced in October 2015.
Contact Sarah Leibrandt to discuss collaboration opportunities at