

Icon Registrars and Institutional Research Staff

Interstate Passport® is a program that facilitates block transfer of lower-division general education attainment based on learning outcomes between higher education member institutions with the goals of eliminating the unnecessary repetition of student learning already achieved and improving graduation rates among member institutions.

The program reviews and provides analysis of transfer students’ performance data for quality assurance.

Interstate Passport began as a grassroots effort with academic leaders in the WICHE states who wished to develop policies and practices supporting friction-free transfer for students between institutions in the region. Students who earn a Passport and then transfer to another Network member institution will not have to repeat or perform additional academic work to meet lower-division general education requirements. The registrars play a vital role in this process as they are responsible for awarding the Passport and tracking the progress of Passport earners.

An essential component of Interstate Passport is the data collection and tracking process designed to provide information on the academic performance of Passport earners for use in continuous improvement efforts by Interstate Passport Network member institutions and for evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the Passport program. Registrars and institutional researchers in the WICHE region have been key players in designing and implementing this process, as well as the process to utilize the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) as the central data repository for the program.

Network member institutions’ registrars and institutional researchers identify students who earn the Passport and notify them of the award; track Passport earners who transfer to their institution; submit data to the NSC at the end of each term; and review annual reports from NSC about the performance of Passport earners after transfer.

NOTE: Receiving institutions may require students transferring in with a Passport to complete additional lower-division general education courses in cases where those courses are prerequisites for entry into or continuation in a particular program of study, are specific graduation requirements, or required by statute.

Download the Interstate Passport Awarding and Tracking Students Development and Implementation Checklist here.

Handbook for Registrars and Institutional Researchers

This handbook is a valuable tool for registrars and IR staff at Interstate Passport Network member institutions as well as prospective members. It provides background information on the program as well as detailed descriptions of the specific tasks and responsibilities of registrars and institutional researchers, guiding principles, and the data elements for collection. The Handbook will be updated as necessary as the program expands and as processes continue to develop.

Download Handbook for Registrars and Institutional Researchers – PDF Version

National Student Clearinghouse Resources

National Student Clearinghouse put together several useful resources for registrars and IR professionals related to Interstate Passport. Visit their site to watch an overview of the Interstate Passport Program, including program background, how the program works, how to get started with Interstate Passport, file submission and validations, and how to check file submission status. In addition, there are three helpful guidebooks with data elements and fields and step by step instructions on how to submit files to NSC.

Interstate Passport Data Management Plan

The Interstate Passport Data Management Plan is integral to the success and scalability of the Interstate Passport Network. The plan provides details on data management, descriptions, sharing, privacy, security and rights and is considered a working document that may change over time.

The design of Interstate Passport includes three important standard services involving student data: the ability of (1) receiving institutions to verify that a transfer student has earned a Passport at his/her sending institution and when; (2) sending institutions to learn about the academic success of their former students to use in continuous improvement efforts; and (3) the Passport Review Board to make informed decisions about Passport operations and policies based on aggregated information. The full plan provides detailed information on the data collection and submission processes.

Download the full Interstate Passport Data Management Plan here.

Using Banner to Collect and Submit Passport Student Data

Utah State University has completed preparation work to implement the Interstate Passport. This webinar describes the scripts and processes used by USU to complete tasks in the Ellucian Banner student information system. These solutions include (1) identifying students that meet the requirements to earn a Passport; (2) creating the process to submit the list of Passport students to NSC; (3) creating the process to identify new transfer students and send that list to NSC to confirm students that have the Passport; (4) processes to enter the Passport into Banner to appear on the transcript so that degree audits systems can show lower-division general education requirements as complete.

Using Colleague to Transcript and report Interstate Passport: Two Institutional Perspectives

The South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) and Laramie County Community College (LCCC) have completed the implementation of Interstate Passport. This webinar will describe the scripts and processes used by SDBOR and LCCC to complete these tasks in the Colleague student information system. These solutions include (1) identifying students that meet the requirements to earn a Passport; (2) the processes to enter the Passport into Colleague to appear on the transcript, (3) and the process to submit the list of Passport students to the National Student Clearinghouse.

Using PeopleSoft to Collect and Submit Passport Student Data

The University of Utah and Lake Region State College (ND) have completed preparation to implement the Interstate Passport. This webinar will describe the scripts and processes used by UU and LRSC to complete tasks in the PeopleSoft student information system. These solutions include (1) identifying students that meet the requirements to earn a Passport; (2) creating the process to submit the list of Passport students to NSC; (3) creating the process to identify new transfer students and send that list to NSC to confirm students that have the Passport; (4) processes to enter the Passport into PeopleSoft to appear on the transcript so that degree audits systems can show lower-division general education requirements as complete.

Four-Part Video Series

Please click the button below to watch our four-part video series on the implementation of Interstate Passport. Here you will (1) listen to an overview of the program, (2) learn how to build a Passport Block, (3) learn how to award and report Passports with National Student Clearinghouse, and (4) learn how to market and advise students.

For more information and support regarding Registrars and Institutional Researchers, please contact:

Interstate Passport
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
3035 Center Green Drive, Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80301-2204

Telephone 303.541.0307

Email: interstatepassport@wiche.testing.brossgroup.com