LaDawn Miera, Assistant Registrar at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC), has been an integral player in the development of Interstate Passport since its inception. As an advisory committee member with other registrars and institutional researchers, Miera helped to identify the key objectives for developing the template and process for collecting and submitting data on Passport students. SLCC is one of the founding member institutions of the program, so she has a unique perspective on the establishment and implementation of Interstate Passport. For her, the Passport is “the first successful attempt of transferring a credential that is the same across the board.” This effort requires a delicate balance of recognizing institutional autonomy and policy and also honoring the institution’s commitment to the Interstate Passport Network and to students.
Miera feels lucky to have been a part of the program since the beginning, which has allowed her and her coworkers to be adaptable in accommodating Interstate Passport as it has evolved, as well as managing the program through internal changes. She notes the critical importance of documenting – and updating – all of the tasks and procedures for implementing Interstate Passport by her department, as well as all others with various responsibilities for the program, i.e., institutional research, IT, academic affairs, advising, and campus marketing. Once everything is in place the process works as intended. Currently, students are notified, and it is also notated on their transcript when they have earned a Passport. In addition, SLCC is taking active steps to improve student awareness about the benefits of earning a Passport as students look to transfer.
We are grateful to Miera for her work on Interstate Passport these past years, and fortunate to have her expertise and commitment to the program.
Bio: LaDawn Miera, Assistant Registrar recently celebrated 20 years at Salt Lake Community College. Fourteen of those years have been managing the incoming transfer and articulation process at SLCC. During a brief hiatus from higher education, Miera utilized her marketing and management B.S. by dabbling in hotel management. She had the pleasure of experiencing the 2002 Winter Olympics during that time as an event planner and liaison to several corporate partners. Miera has served on various academic committees and boards, including UACRAO, PACRAO, Utah NASPA, and the Interstate Passport Registrar and Institutional Researcher Advisory Committee.