On July 8 of this year, Interstate Passport issued a Call to Action to higher education institutions, systems, and associations across the country soliciting help for students in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the economy. Colleges and universities were shuttered in March and students and faculty were sent home. Institutions have resumed classes this fall, either virtually or face to face. Even so, thousands of students are expected to transfer across state lines this year and beyond. Many may drop out or stop out. These students need help – now.
The Call to Action makes the case for the Interstate Passport as a viable solution for institutions in all states to ensure that students who transfer will not be obstructed, will carry their earned credits to their new institutions, and will continue on their degree path. Interstate Passport provides states, systems and institutions with a way to collaborate on a solution for transfer, while also incentivizing students to achieve the milestone of general education completion whether they transfer or not.
The Call to Action Task Force is co-chaired by Sam Gingerich, former provost and executive vice chancellor of the University of Alaska Anchorage, and Francisco Rodriguez, chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District. Other members include representatives from state higher education institutions, systems, and associations. Supporters who signed on to the Call for Action number over 175, and include representatives of IP Network member institutions, non-member institutions, and regional and national higher education organizations and associations.
Members of the Task Force have agreed to continue serving in an advisory capacity and will continue to meet on a quarterly basis in the coming year. Institutions, organizations, and associations who are interested in learning more about Interstate Passport, how institutions join the Network, or signing on in support of the call to action are encouraged to email staff at interstatepassport@wiche.testing.brossgroup.com