Interstate Passport Briefing

Reporting Academic Progress Tracking Data to the National Student Clearinghouse

During the 2018-2019 academic year, Interstate Passport Network members officially reported to the National Student Clearinghouse that 12,786 students were awarded Passports. Students earn a Passport when they have earned a minimum grade of a C or its equivalent in Passport Block courses. Deadlines for reporting Passport Completion and Academic Progress Tracking files for the 2019-2020 year are fast approaching. The Passport Completion file should be submitted by June 15, 2020, and the Academic Progress Tracking file needs to be submitted by August 15, 2020. Submitting the Academic Progress Tracking file by August 15 ensures that the data will be included in the Interstate Passport Annual Report. With the understanding that institutions have made changes to their grading policies due to COVID-19, institutions are encouraged to award students with a Passport if they have earned a Pass/Satisfactory/Credit for Passport Block courses so long as those grades are equivalent to a C grade or better.

The Interstate Passport website and the National Student Clearinghouse have several resources available to assist in file submission.

  • Submission file guides for each of the three files can be found here.
  • Webinars for using Banner, Colleague, and PeopleSoft to collect and submit Passport Student Data can be found here.
  • For other questions on data reporting, contact Kate Springsteen at

To learn more about the value of Academic Progress Tracking, read a recent article in the Interstate Passport Briefing here

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